CatrinEternity : Her World

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Friends” a simple word, makes a meaningful relationship among populations.
We used to say that friends will never have level and border. Yes, is true. We know each other when we taking degree course under one roof. Different ages taking different major held different position in different fields. But we are still become friends - a gang of beauties & handsome which used to struggle when exam is near; sharing laughter and happiness after the exam. I’m d most junior among them, so I feel myself was so lucky to have them to share and guide me when I failed in exam *paiseh* as I really is half pail water lar~

Photos of 5 years ago...

Our first gathering

Annie's ??th Birthday *Slim-slim us*

One of us Birthday

Catrine & WanTheng & SiewPeng & KheChing's Birthday

We are having our 5th Anniversary on 11th April 2009. 5 years friendship ler, from classmates to coursemates and now friends. The gathering held at E&O for the buffet, carry on to Bayview lounge and continues to Mois…woohoo~

A quick shot before d buffet start

The ladies

The Gangz in da Mois

Friendship Forever! Cheers~


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